The first impression an individual has on you will either make or destroy your relationship. Actually, the more recent studies have shown that individuals start judging others within the first 10 seconds after meeting them – the reaction is not usually a conscious choice. The trait exists in our DNA and in the historic days, judging a person was a matter of life-or-death decisions. In addition to its importance in our day-to-day lives, the first impression is important in career life. Here is a list of the five things you should do when meeting a potential client.
– Energize yourself
You could feel like a Superman by just posing in an iconic way. Studies show that power postures – such as head held high and chest lifted – have a direct correlation with the chemistry in your body by raising your testosterone, lowering the cortisol levels and providing you with a confident feeling. That makes sense because when you feel powerful, your emotions will manifest physically through your sitting, walking and talking. And even though your mind is likely to change your body posture, the opposite can be true. Your body posture can have more effects on your mind. Use a power pose when meeting a new client for corporate functions in Melbourne.
– Keep a bag
By keeping a few items in your bag, such as cologne, deodorant, shaving cream and razor, comb, breath mint, pressed shirt and nail clipper, you will be certain of making a good first impression when meeting a potential client. Studies show that attractive people – men and women – earn around 3-4 percent more than those with below the average appearance. And because most of what makes people attractive is easier to manipulate, you should spend most of your time improving your appearance. Think of the products to use when improving your appearance.
– Focus on your body language
Your first impression will partly depend on your attractiveness and clothing. However, the body language will heavily affect the first impression. If you strode confidently to your seat and seat with a wide stance, your guest will see you as superior. To use your body language effectively, keep your back straight when sitting because a hunch will make you appear unconfident and timid. Use your hands when talking and align the body toward the person you are talking to. Ensure that your handshake is firm.
– Develop a personal-introduction template
Your introduction template should be positive and warm. When developing it, you should focus on yourself and not the business. The content of your template should be made of a few sentences. Start by saying who you are and make observations to form a bond. Complement the other person or tell them something positive. End with a question about the person to direct them into a conversation. The purpose of the template is to help you control the first few seconds. It will also make you less nervous.
– Meet in their favorite restaurant
When in a restaurant, both you and your potential client will be in a more relaxed state because you will conduct the meeting in a place where the two of you will be comfortable. That will reduce your stress level and promote a light atmosphere. Moreover, consumption of drinks and foods will negotiate leads to a better deal.
By mimicking the movements of another person, particularly in environments where you are eating, you will be able to build a pro-social environment and rapport. Displaying actions that are similar to those of the individual you are meeting will cause them to believe that you are similar. That will build more trust in the long term.